If you were not able to attend the South Carolina Convocation held at Presbyterian College and Thornwell Home for Children last weekend, you missed more than wonderful fellowship. On Saturday morning, Sue Mathews and Eric H. Doss reported on the progress of the Visioning Task Force, including their recent work meeting with and listening to sessions throughout the presbytery.
The VTF, at the February 2014 meeting, began engaging with commissioners and members of our churches to shape a series of questions to take to the sessions. Starting in May of 2014, two member teams from the VTF began traveling to session meetings to pray, listen, and engage with sessions. In the first month of our work, we have met with over 25% of the sessions in the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery. Our members have traveled from Beaufort to McClellanville and out to Pineville. We’ve met with churches on James Island and the peninsula.
By the end of June, we will have reached over 30 of the constituent churches within the presbytery. These meetings are a chance for your session to talk about the mission, health, hope, and future of your congregation and to make sure that the VTF hears all voices, in all churches, throughout our geographically and culturally diverse presbytery.
Please do not miss the opportunity to let your voice be heard. If you serve as a Ruling Elder and you do not have a meeting with the VTF scheduled, please ask your clerk or moderator to contact Sue, Eric, or Pie to arrange a visit.
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