Members: Coordinator from each neighborhood
Staff Advisor: Associate for Congregational Nurture and Service
Coordinator Selection: The position of Neighborhood Coordinator will be advertised with a position description by the Search Committee of each neighborhood. The Search Committee will be made up of the two neighborhood representatives on the Shepherding Team and the neighborhood representative on the Commission on Ministry.
Coordinator Term of Service: Three year contract which is renewable
Coordinator Evaluation: There is an annual review and evaluation by the Shepherding Team in consultation with the Associate for Congregational Nurture and Service. At least every five years the Shepherding Team shall conduct a comprehensive review and evaluation in consultation with the Associate for Congregational Nurture.
Coordinator Compensation: $3000/year
Coordinator Time Commitment: 16 hours/month
- Annual visits to sessions, annual worship attendance, and occassional attendance of ministries/events
- Work with the neighborhood members serving on the Stewardship of Individual Gifts of Ministry Team to identify individuals to serve with the presbytery on its various agencies
- Promote the diversity of the presbytery in regard to gender, race, and ethnicity and build bridges between these groups.
- Specific responsibilities identified by the neighborhood
Meetings: Meet as a neighborhood at least twice a year; one being at a designated presbytery meetings. Coordinators will also meet with the Associate for Congreational Nurture and Service at least once a quarter.