As ambassadors of Christ, we affirm Jesus Christ as Head of the Church and we are members of the body of Christ. The Charleston Atlantic Presbytery is a Reformed expression of the body of Christ in which we covenant to worship and glorify God as we live together in community. Therefore, we commit ourselves:
•to love and nurture each other;
•to provoke each other to love and serve our neighbor;
•to being accountable to each other in love as ambassadors of Christ.
To fulfill our calling, the Committee on Representation invites you to be a part of our ministry by serving on a ministry team, committee, commission, or task force.
The Committee on Representation of Charleston Atlantic Presbytery is responsible for nominating to Presbytery all chairpersons and members of ministry teams, commissions, committees, boards, and agencies of Presbytery. Your assistance in providing us with names of individuals you consider to possess the gifts, skills, and passion for service within the new structure of Charleston Atlantic Presbytery is critical and greatly appreciated. Pastors, Sessions, Christian Educators, lay persons, and other interested individuals are encouraged to complete the nomination form online or in the brochure that was mailed to churches and return it to the Committee on Representation.
Please prayerfully consider how you may use your gifts to serve Charleston Atlantic Presbytery. To submit a nomination for service on a CAP Ministry Team or Commission, please complete this FORM. You can also download the BROCHURE to share with others in your church.
Committee on Representation:
- Be responsible for nominating to the presbytery qualified persons to serve in all elected positions provided in the various agencies associated with the presbytery. This shall be accomplished by nominating persons for those vacancies when they occur by reason of rotation, death, resignation, or removal from office.
- Solicit and consider recommendations from the churches and teaching elders of the presbytery, from the Moderator, from the Shepherding Team, from other ministry teams and committees affected and shall consult with the presbytery staff. The Ministry Team shall give careful attention to the balanced representation called for in the Book of Order G-3.0103.
- Present its major report at the Fall Meeting each year. Those persons elected at that meeting shall be notified by the Stated Clerk and take office January 1. The Ministry Team may report at any meeting of the presbytery and recommend persons to fill vacancies. When such elections occur, the Ministry Team should specify when the person elected is to begin service.
- Report to the Shepherding Team on the diversity of nominees and those serving on all ministry teams/committees/commissions.