- Oversee the inquirer and candidacy stages of preparation for calls to ministry to the office of teaching elder.
- Oversee the acceptance into and training of Commissioned Ruling Elders.
- Oversee the preparation of those called to educational ministry (certification process and/or advanced degrees other than Masters of Divinity).
- Appoint the presbytery’s representatives to the Presbyteries Cooperative Committee on Examinations.
Are You Being Called into the Ministry?
The Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) of Charleston Atlantic Presbytery exists to assist those exploring the call of God into full time ministry of Word and Sacrament. We seek to put as much helpful information in one spot to make it easier for sessions, Inquirers and Candidates to know what to do, when to do it, and how to find the proper forms.
Documents that Might be Helpful in Your Discerning Process.
Questions about this process?
Please contact:
Beth Yarborough
Williston Presbyterian Church
PO BOX 391, 207 Elko Street, Williston, SC
(803) 266-3623