The Fall 2018 Stated Meeting of Charleston Atlantic Presbytery was held Tuesday, December 11 at First Presbyterian Church, Beaufort.
ReCap: Charleston Atlantic Presbytery’s Fall Stated Meeting
First Presbyterian Church in Beaufort, beautifully decorated for the Christmas season, provided a perfect location for the Fall Stated meeting on December 11. A great deal of important business was conducted, but due to the diligence and attentiveness of the commissioners gathered from throughout the presbytery, it was concluded in time to enjoy a marvelous lunch catered by Elder Reggie Simmons, who also is the Commissioned Ruling Elder at the nearby and newly energized Beaufort Salem Presbyterian Church.
During the worship which opening the meeting, outgoing CAP moderator, Commissioned Ruling Elder James Parlor, presented a meditation entitled “Who Can Endure the Day of His Coming?” based on Malachi 3:1-2. Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, Rev. Rebecca Albright, Rev. Steve Keeler and Rev. Sam Martin also participated in leading worship, which included communion. An offering of $585 was collected to benefit the upcoming CAP mission trip to Puerto Rico. At the end of the service, Rev. Sam Martin and Elder Susan Mellichamp were elected and installed as the Moderator and Vice Moderator (respectively) of CAP for 2019.
Brief presentations were made, first by Stephanie Marsden the relationship manager of Texas Presbyterian Funds, who highlighted some of the ways her agency can assist congregations in encouraging legacy giving. Second came Clark Simmons of the PC(USA) Board of Pensions, who introduced Elizabeth Little as the new BOP contact for South Carolina. She briefly highlighted the new “Healthy Pastors, Healthy Congregations” initiative which combines pastor and congregational leader education with grants of up to $10,000 to qualifying pastors. Congregations and pastors are encourage to contact Elizabeth Little or go to the BOP website (click on “members and employers” to find Healthy Pastors, Healthy Congregations) for more information.
The Stated Clerk presented the amendments to the Book of Order proposed by the 223rd General Assembly held this past summer. The amendments were included in the handbook, and had been circulated to all clerks of session and to the presbytery at large via the Chatline. The floor was opened for comments, which showed the thought and time which many commissioners (ruling elders and ministers of work and sacrament, alike) had put into preparation for the meeting. Voting was by paper ballot. All but one of the proposed ten amendments were approved. Amendment numbered 18-G which would have amended D-2.0203b was not approved.
CAP committees and teams reported via written reports included in the handbook. Those which had action items included the Stewardship of Individual Gifts of Ministry Team which presented a slate of members of the various teams, committees and commissions, including the moderator of each. After a few additional nominations from the floor, the slate was unanimously approved. There remain needs for individuals to serve, however. Anyone interested in getting more involved with any aspect of the Presbytery should contact Elder James Deavor or the presbytery office.
The Commission on Ministry introduced two newly ordained and installed ministers of word and sacrament, each of whom spoke briefly about their faith journeys. Rev. Patricia Jones is the new Senior Pastor at Hebron Zion Presbyterian Church. She comes to ministry after prior careers, most recently after many years as the agency coordinator and instructor for the Charleston County Consolidated 9-1-1 center. Rev. Stephanie Dion is the new Associate Pastor at Lowcountry Presbyterian Church. She followed the more traditional path of attending seminary directly after college. Although their paths to ministry differ, they share an obvious passion, energy and sense of being called by God.
But the business of the day was far from over! The Shepherding Team presented a report with three items that required a vote. Revisions to the Administrative Manual of the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery were approved as was the newly revised Charleston Atlantic Presbytery Personnel Manual. After a presentation by the New Church Development (NCD) subcommittee’s advisory board for a downtown Charleston church, the floor was open for question and comments regarding the motion to move forward with the formation of a new church development in the Hampton Park area of Charleston. All who wished to speak were afforded time as provided by the Standing Rules. Members of the NCD and presbytery staff responded as appropriate to clarify the proposal and the process. The motion then passed by a unanimous voice vote.
~Respectfully Submitted by Stated Clerk, Catherine Byrd
For more information, please read the following:
The following video of Joys was shared at the meeting: PRESBYTERY JOYS
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